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The importance of post-operative care to your surgical or biopsy site cannot be overstated. The care you take of yourself and your wound is extremely important to the success of the procedure and to your recovery and wellbeing.


There are several things that could happen following surgery:


1. Bleeding-This can occur following a biopsy or surgery. To reduce the possibility of bleeding, you should limit your activities for 24 hours and keep the operative site elevated. Apply firm constant pressure on the bandage for 20 minutes if bleeding occurs.


2. Swelling-This can occur as the body responds to a biopsy or surgical injury. To reduce the amount of swelling that may occur apply an ice bag for 15 minutes every hour until the swelling subsides.


3. Pain-Usually the pain is very little and does not require narcotics. We recommend Extra Strength Tylenol or Acetaminophen to relieve any pain you might have. You should not take Aspirin or any medication with Aspirin in it, this will increase your risk of bleeding.


4. Infection- Infection seldom occurs when the wound care instructions have been carefully followed. Signs of infection include; Increased pain, redness, or yellowish drainage that continues to progress for several days after surgery. Please call us at our office if you have these symptoms. You'll find our phone numbers here.





Perform the following twice a day.


  1. Wash your hands with soap and water.

  2. Wash wound with hydrogen peroxide and water mixed half and half with a Q-tip or cotton ball (make sure you remove any crust from the wound.)

  3. Apply a thin layer of polysporin or plain Vaseline to the wound.  We recommend polysporin as it has a lower incidence of allergic reactions compared to Neosporin.

  4. Cover wound with a clean, dry dressing.

  5. Repeat this until the wound is healed or until the stitches are removed.

  6. Do NOT shave over stitches.

  7. Do not lift, pull, or push anything over 15-20 lbs. until stitches are removed.

  8. Leave the bandage we apply on the day of your procedure.  Keep the wound dry for the first 24/48 hours. You may shower and start wound care after 24/48 hours. No baths, swimming, or hot tubs until stitches are out or wound is healed.


If an emergency arises, please go to your nearest emergency room for evaluation and care. In the event of an emergency room visit, please call the office on Monday morning for a follow-up appointment.





The day you have your procedure done, leave the bandage we apply on for 24 hours.  Keep wound dry for the first 24 hours.  No shower, bath, etc. You may shower and start wound care after 24 hours.  No swimming or hot tubs until stitches come out or wound is healed.


**If there are steri-strips on site, leave on until they fall off on its own. Do not try to remove them. Perform care listed below only if steri-strips fall off.



  1. Wash your hands with soap and water.

  2. Apply a thin layer of plain Vaseline, Aquaphor or Bacitracin to the wound.

  3. If the surgery site is below the waist, apply topical antibiotic (Bacitracin or Polysporin) twice daily until healed.  Keep area dry for 48 hours

  4. If thick scab happens, apply hydrogen peroxide to wound daily with gauze or Q-Tip. Do not rub vigorously or remove scab manually. Scab will fall off on its own.

  5. Cover wound with a clean, dry dressing or Band-aid.

  6. Repeat this until the wound is healed or until the stitches are removed:

  7. Do not shave over stitches

  8. Do not lift, pull or push anything over 10-15 pounds until stitches are removed.

  9. Keep the surgery site elevated above the level of the heart (with pillows) while laying down or sitting to reduce swelling and pain.


You should receive a call within the next 2 weeks regarding your biopsy results.  If you do not receive a call in the next 2 weeks please give our office a call (785) 320-7774.


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© 2023 Kansas Medical Clinic, PA ​ - If you have a medical emergency, please call 911.  All information provided herein is for educational purposes only. If you have a medical condition, please consult a physician to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

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