GentleMax Pro™
Sun Spots and Benign Keratoses Removal
The GentleMax Pro™ can effectively remove unwanted brown sun damage spots and benign keratoses without scarring. The late fall and winter are the best times to start treatment of these lesions since the skin should be shielded from sun exposure before and after treatment for the best results. Some spots may require more than one treatment.
Color Correction and Rejuvenation of Skin with Diffuse Sun Damage
The GentleMax Pro™ can also treat diffuse sun damage which is often seen on the face, neck, chest, and arms. Depending on the extent of sun damage, a series of treatments may be necessary, but significant improvement is seen with each treatment.
Treatment of Facial Redness and Broken Blood Vessels
The Gentlemax Pro™ can treat the background redness and broken blood vessels on the cheeks, nose, and chin. Because the background redness and broken blood vessels are a result of broken blood vessels, you should expect to have some redness, swelling and possible bruising for several days after the treatment. We suggest that you do not take aspirin or NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil, Motrin Meloxicam, Celebrex) for 1 week prior to your procedure if medically allowable. We do not advise any patient to stop any blood thinners for this procedure.
Skin Tightening
The GentleMax Pro™ performs skin tightening on the face and lower jawline over a series of treatments every 4-6 weeks. This procedure does not require sedation and there is no downtime.

The Cutera Excel V is a state-of-the-art laser treatment that can treat a variety of vascular conditions and benign pigmented lesions. The laser uses a unique high-power green laser to precisely treat visible vessels. The light is specifically absorbed by the blood vessels in the dermis. These blood vessels are coagulated and then reabsorbed by the body during the natural healing process. Since the Excel V has a longer wavelength (1064nm) it can target purple leg veins, periorbital blue veins and deeper vascular structures. Its advanced design cools before, during and after each pulse, which provides the highest level of control and safety.
Excel V also precisely targets the superficial melanin (or pigment) in benign pigmented lesions of the skin including sun spots like freckles and lentigines, dermatosis papulosa nigrans, (dark raised growths around the eyes), poikiloderma, and diffuse sun damage. The laser light denatures the pigment cells which causes the pigment to darken and rise to the surface and flake off within a couple of weeks.
In addition to facial redness and brown spots, the Cutera Excel V Laser can be used to target the blood vessels in superficial and deep warts.
What Conditions Does the Excel V Treat?
Vascular lesions including facial veins, scars (red raised scars that are often caused by surgery, trauma, or burns), stretch marks, red birthmarks, port wine stains, angiomas, as well as rosacea.
Benign pigmented lesions such as sunspots, freckles, dyschromia, warts.
Spider veins and leg veins
Large pores
Wrinkle reduction and uneven texture

Encore C02 Refractional Laser
With facial resurfacing, a high-energy beam of CO2 light is used to vaporize lines, wrinkles, scars, dark spots and other irregularities, layer by layer. This process also stimulates the formation over time of new, underlying collagen to provide better elasticity and support for the skin.
What is the process of Fractional CO2 Resurfacing?

Continuously Adjust Healing Zone
By carefully choosing the volume of skin left untreated,
Our KMC Dermatology providers can tailor treatments to the indication and patient’s tolerance of downtime. The Fractional CO2 laser she uses provides the flexibility to leave 95% to 0% of tissue intact.
Select Volume Treated
Superior treatments balance spot size and treatment depth.
As the spot size is reduced, depth can be increased without increasing downtime.​
Ablate, Contract and Remodel
Each pulse ablates a column of tissue, eliminating discolorations at the surface and causing volumetric skin reduction. As ablation occurs, deep heating stimulates immediate collagen contraction and long-term collagen remodeling.

Skin Rejuvenation Experts of
Kansas City, Mission, Leawood, Topeka, and Manhattan